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  • - Law 23 of 1982. General copyright regime.
  • - Law 44 of 1993. Whereby Law 23 of 1982 is amended and supplemented and Law 29 of 1944 is amended.
  • - Law 719 of 2001. Whereby Laws 23 of 1982 and 44 of 1993 are amended.
  • - WIPO Copyright Treaty, adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on December 20, 1996. World Intellectual Property Organization - Geneva.
  • - Decree 460 of 1995 (March 16). By which the National Copyright Registry is regulated and the Legal Deposit is regulated.
  • - Intellectual property statute.

‍Licensesand Permits‍.

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Thus, the publications are available with some rights reserved, so that any permission related to the aforementioned, will be covered as described below:References and CitationsYou mayuse the content of the publications provided that no more than 20% of the total document, including tables and figures, is reproduced verbatim.In any case, the authorship in favor of the Institute, the page number where the information used is located, the link and other data required by the citation systems must be mentioned; as regards references, the publisher must be mentioned: Instituto Humboldt.TranslateThetranslation of fragments is authorized only for research, cultural and/or academic purposes, under the same terms described for citations and references.PhotocopyingPublicationsmay be photocopied, provided that it does not exceed 20% of the total content of the work and it is done only for personal use, as permitted by copyright laws.Storage and useThepublications may be downloaded from the website in the original format in which they were published, Build from the publications - derived products Videos, events, audiovisual formats, analog or digital books, and any other product derived from the publications, articles or material of the Alexander von Biological Resources Research Institute Humboldt, with the exception of the above, must have written authorization to the contact mail.


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